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Stalling on Syria a ‘let-down for allies’

Chief of Staff Houghton makes dangerous political intervention

by Will Stone
AS THE country paid tribute to the fallen yesterday, armed forces head General Sir Nick Houghton was accused of “cheerleading for war” after saying that Britain was “letting down” its allies by not bombing Syria.

The general argued that it “makes no sense” that RAF air strikes on Islamic State (Isis) in neighbouring Iraq had to stop at the border when Isis’s stronghold was in Syria.

“In the most simplistic way it’s like being asked to win a football match but not being able to go into the opponents’ half,” Mr Houghton told Sky’s Murnaghan programme.

But Gen Houghton’s comments sparked an angry backlash from politicians and campaigners, who have accused him of breaching constitutional rules that the military should remain politically neutral.

Stop the War convener Lindsey German reminded him that the foreign affairs committee had just published a report recommending no British air strikes in Syria without a coherent strategy.

“The last thing we need is an unelected general cheerleading for war,” she told the Star, saying that the bombing of Iraq and Syria had been disastrous.

Gen Houghton made his comments as the country spent Remembrance Sunday recalling the millions of working people who lost their lives in the line of duty.

“He should not be using Remembrance Sunday to justify more wars,” argued Ms German.
She also pointed out that his political intervention had come during the biggest refugee crisis since World War II.

“The political Establishment does not want to pay money to look after refugees but is willing to pay greater sums on waging wars,” she said.

Gen Houghton also attacked Jeremy Corbyn, stating he would “worry” if the Labour leader became prime minister given his stance against using Trident.

“It is a matter of serious concern that the chief of the defence staff has today intervened directly in issues of political dispute,” said Mr Corbyn.

“It is essential in a democracy that the military remains politically neutral at all times.

“By publicly taking sides in current political arguments, Sir Nicholas Houghton has clearly breached that constitutional principle.”

Mr Corbyn will write to Defence Secretary Michael Fallon asking him “to take action to ensure that the neutrality of the armed forces is upheld.”


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