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First Minister urged to save college trade union education centre

SCOTLAND’S trade union movement has united to condemn plans to close the country’s only TUC education centre and demanded the First Minister step in to save it.

Twelve separate unions, alongside STUC general secretary Roz Foyer, have signed a letter demanding plans to axe the centre, drawn up by under-fire City of Glasgow College principal Paul Little, are ditched.

The proposal is as part of a broader cuts scheme at the college, which is grappling with a £2 million funding deficit this year amid SNP government cuts to the sector. 

But trade unionists argue continued funding for the centre from the  STUC and TUC shows Mr Little’s decision is more about attacking the movement than saving college cash.

Speaking on behalf of fellow workers at the centre, Sonya Cassidy and Rab Wilson said: “This proposed closure would be a huge blow to trade union education.

“It would undermine the ability of union reps to be trained so that they can represent their members.

“The First Minister must intervene, work with us and the college and prevent this shoddy proposal, which reeks of anti-trade unionism.”


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