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Airport workers on ‘Runway to Success’

UNITE members at two of Scotland’s busiest airports are celebrating key workplace victories this week.

Fresh from launching its Runway to Success campaign to turn around a sector long dogged by subcontracting and pressure on workers’ pay, terms and conditions, the union has won a recognition agreement with OCS covering the 130 passenger assistance workers at Edinburgh Airport.

As the agreement was being signed, 200 of their colleagues working with Menzies Aviation at Glasgow airport were already seeing the benefits of theirs, with a 6.8 per cent wage rise and overtime pay increasing by a third.

Unite industrial officer Pat McIlvogue said: “Unite delivers time after time for our Menzies Aviation members. 

“Other companies based at Glasgow airport and across Scottish airports should pay attention, because the Menzies Aviation deal shows everyone can win from doing things the right way.” 

Welcoming recognition at OCS, Unite Scotland deputy secretary Mary Alexander said: “Our Runway to Success campaign is designed to improve the pay and conditions of all Scotland’s airport workers beyond the legal minimums.

“The OCS agreement is another step in that march to success.”


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