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Scottish leaders square up for first televised debate

THE First Minister has called for a “respectful contest” amid Green fury at their exclusion from Scotland’s first televised election debate.

Labour, SNP, Tory and Liberal Democrat Scottish leaders will all take part in the STV programme, discussing the general election’s key issues.

The contest will go ahead without the Scottish Greens, in a decision they described as “outrageous.”

An STV spokesman said they were “comfortable” the debate met with Ofcom impartiality guidelines.

But while the programme format itself has been the subject of controversy, SNP leader John Swinney said he was “looking forward” to it.

“I hope it is a respectful contest based on ideas to improve the lives of the people of Scotland,” he said.

“In tonight’s debate, and in the election campaign ahead, I and the SNP will set out a genuine alternative to the broken Westminster status quo.”

His Scottish Labour counterpart, Anas Sarwar, said: “In tonight’s debate I am not just arguing for myself — I will be fighting for change for every single person in Scotland struggling at the hands of this dysfunctional and incompetent Tory government.”


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