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Wales TUC backs Unite call for an industrial strategy for Wales

THE Wales TUC today demanded an industrial strategy to develop the industries of the future, protect jobs and train the next generation of workers.

The Unite motion called for Wales to become a “world leader in green steel.”

There is no way Britain will transition to a net-zero emissions economy if it continues the “chaos” inflicted by successive Tory governments with no plan, Unite’s Daz Reynolds told Congress.

“Communities across Wales have significant strength in high-value manufacturing, particularly aerospace, automotive, offshore wind and rail. We can produce renewable energy through running water, waves and sun.

“We have a highly skilled workforce and we also have ambition. An industrial strategy must include the creation of new industries for the future, and planning to defend jobs and communities.”

Referring to recent closures such as that of the Ford plant in Bridgend and the current fight for the future of jobs at Tata Steel, he pointed out that Wales should not just be saving but expanding the steel sector, creating jobs for generations to come.

Seconding, GMB’s Mike Payne said the British government saw offshoring steel production as a way to lower its token emissions to reach net zero.

And he stressed the motion’s focus on training, saying only an industrial strategy would provide young people with a “bright future, a future of green, well-paid, trade union jobs.”

The motion, overwhelmingly backed by delegates, also called for Wales TUC to work with the Welsh government to prevent two planned freeports in Wales from being used to “attack workers rights, allow undercutting of conditions or pay, divide regions or industrial sectors.”


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