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Fossil Free London blocks BP headquarters in solidarity with Gaza

ENVIRONMENTAL campaigners mounted a protest in support of Palestine today, blockading the London headquarters of oil and gas giant BP in opposition to the firm’s plans to drill for gas off the coast of Gaza.

Fossil Free London mounted its action as Palestine supporters planned another round of nationwide demonstrations next weekend including a mass rally in London.

The campaign group said that BP has been awarded licences to drill for gas off the coast of Gaza by Israel, which stands to reap the benefits of any successful exploration.

BP is also expected to acquire 50 per cent of the Israeli Delek Group-owned NewMed, which owns 45 per cent of Leviathan, the largest gas field in the Mediterranean, located off the coast of Israel.

Israel, which awarded 12 licences altogether to six firms at the end of October, has created a fuel shortage amid its invasion of Gaza that has made aid work virtually impossible, worsened the humanitarian crisis and led directly to the deaths of patients and infants on incubators.

And while operating the Tamar oilfield 12 miles of the coast of Gaza, Israel has denied it the natural resources off its coast, even limiting access to fishing, while reaping huge profits for itself.

About 70 Fossil Free London activists took part in today’s blockade of the fossil fuel transnational’s headquarters near Piccadilly Circus.

They shouted “shame on you” as BP employees arrived at the building and chanted “profits from oil but none from aid, Gazan genocide is British made.”

Joanna Warrington from Fossil Free London said: “As Israel continues its genocide on the people of Gaza, all the bosses of BP see is a business opportunity.

“The people of Gaza are starving, are being bombed and are deprived of fuel, but fossil fuel companies are swarming like vultures to try and poach Palestine’s natural resources, making billions in profits in the process.

“It’s a new take on the old adage: ‘When there’s blood on the streets, pump gas’!”

“All the time fossil fuel companies continue to profit from human suffering, we will be here to hold them to account.

“The climate movement stands in solidarity with Palestinians and against this opportunistic profiteering.”

BP was contacted for comment.


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