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Bashir desertion prompts ‘spot the difference’ gibe

LABOUR challenged the public to spot the difference between Ukip and the Tories yesterday after the latest defection between them which this time saw a Ukip MEP jump ship.

John Trickett MP ridiculed the “revolving door” separating the two parties following the announcement that Amjad Bashir had rejoined the Conservatives.

Mr Bashir turned on his ex-colleagues in a Mail on Sunday article, branding Ukip “amateur” and a “party of ruthless self-interest.”

His former leader Nigel Farage struggled to hide his frustration at the defection four months before the election, claiming Mr Bashir’s behaviour had become “increasingly alarming” and he had been suspended before his exit. “He had reached the end of the road with us, he knew that,” claimed Mr Farage.

“My only surprise, and my genuine surprise, is that the Conservative Party have accepted him. Caveat emptor.”

Tory chairman Grant Shapps boasted that Mr Bashir’s return was “great to see.”

But Mr Trickett goaded both parties after their latest tug-of-love over a standing politician, which follows MPs Douglas Carswell and Mark Reckless’s leap in the opposite direction.

“Conservative MPs defect to Ukip and Ukip MEPs flee back the other way when Nigel Farage says they have questions to answer,” said Mr Trickett.

“Ukip and Tories share policies as well as people — both parties want to increase NHS privatisation and cut taxes for those at the very top.

“All that’s clear is that neither party can be trusted to stand up for hard-working families.”


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