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Just Stop Oil slow march through London to highlight hottest global temperatures on record

CLIMATE activists continued their slow-march action in central London today to highlight global temperatures reaching a new record average this week.

On Monday, the world’s average temperature reached a record breaking 17° Celsius only to be broken the next day at 17.2°.

About 26 Just Stop Oil supporters in three groups marched in Vauxhall and Pimlico today as part of the group’s daily action to demand the government ends all new licences for oil, gas and coal projects in Britain.

Protester Jane Touil, from Rochdale and who is visually impaired, said: “Licensing new oil and gas is a crime against humanity.

“I cannot stand by and do nothing, knowing that millions are going to die.

“Our government is lying about the need for new oil, gas and coal.

“We have the solutions and if we implement them quickly, climate breakdown will not be so severe.

“If we carry on this path, human civilisation will collapse within my lifetime and billions will die. It’s already starting to happen.”


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