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High Court judge rejects campaigners' legal challenge against Sizewell C nuclear plant

CAMPAIGNERS lost a High Court challenge today against the government’s decision to approve the Sizewell C nuclear power plant.

Together Against Sizewell C (Tasc) launched a bid to challenge development consent granted for the multibillion-pound project in Suffolk by then business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng in July 2022.

At a hearing in March, lawyers for the group of local residents argued the government failed to assess possible environmental impacts, including the impact of providing an “essential” water supply to the project.

They also said the government did not consider “alternative solutions” to meeting its energy and climate change objectives.

The government, supporting the project with a £700 million stake, argued it made “legitimate planning judgements” and that the campaigners’ bid was “unarguable.”

Mr Justice Holgate dismissed the challenge, adding that several parts were “totally without merit.”

The judge said there was “nothing artificial or unlawfully limiting” about a policy aimed at providing a mix of solar, wind and nuclear power.

Following the unsuccessful challenge, Tasc was ordered to pay £10,000 towards the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero’s costs.

Tasc chairwoman Jenny Kirtley said that the decision was “not the end of our efforts,” adding: “Together with our lawyers we are examining all possible options open to us and can promise our supporters that in one form or another, this campaign will continue.

“The Suffolk Heritage Coast cannot be sacrificed for such an unnecessary and inappropriate development, and we will examine every avenue of opposition until all are exhausted.”

Rachel Fulcher from Suffolk Coastal Friends of the Earth said the group will continue to support Tasc in its next steps.


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