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Members of Corbyn's CLP say continued withdrawal of Labour whip is an ‘egregious affront’ to his constituents

MEMBERS of Jeremy Corbyn’s Constituency Labour Party called on Sir Keir Starmer to “respect the democratic mandate of Islington North constituents” after the Labour leader repeated threats to stop the MP standing for the party at the next election.

In an interview with the Sunday Express, Sir Keir said Labour “will be fielding a candidate in Islington North and it’s very difficult to see the circumstances in which that would be Jeremy Corbyn.”

Mr Corbyn has won the seat for Labour at every election since 1983, most recently in 2019 with 34,603 votes — a majority of 26,188.

Islington Friends of Jeremy Corbyn told the Morning Star that the withdrawal of the whip was an “egregious affront” to constituents.

“Unlike other MPs, Jeremy’s second job is not as a lobbyist or hedge fund manager — he’s a volunteer at a local foodbank,” the group added.

“He is frequently out on the picket lines in solidarity with Islington workers. He speaks truth to power, which is why he is so loved but also why he is so feared and reviled.”

Sir Keir continues to withhold the whip from Mr Corbyn although the latter remains a Labour member, a suspension initially imposed for having stated that the scale of anti-semitism in the party had been exaggerated for political reasons having been rescinded by the party’s national executive shortly afterwards.

The group of constituency party members spoke anonymously, saying Labour was now “a hostile and bullying environment” that discouraged free speech.

But it called for people to listen to constituents’ own views about Mr Corbyn on YouTube ( )  and to visit its website


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