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Palestine supporters step up Sainsbury's campaign

PSC urges boycott over produce from the Occupied Territories

Palestine supporters are stepping up their boycott of supermarket chain Sainsbury’s in the run-up to Christmas and the New Year.

Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) is set to protest outside stores after seeing an internal management message to Sainsbury’s staff encouraging them to persuade customers to spend an extra 50 pence per shopping trip in the approach to the festive season.

PSC is countering by urging supporters to make a “Pledge for Palestine” promising to spend nothing in the store between now and New Year.

It is the latest action of a two year battle by PSC to stop Sainsbury’s stocking goods produced in areas of Palestine illegally occupied by Israel. Sainsbury’s has refused — despite claiming to be an “ethical” business.

PSC has also been boosted by support from the legendary Alexei Sayle who will perform alongside other left-wing comics like Jeremy Hardy at the Stand Up for Palestine benefit gig next Tuesday.

Visit to sign the pledge.


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