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Labour members plan ‘strike action’ over suspensions

A GROUP of Labour members are planning “strike action” against their own party in protest against the suspensions carried out under Sir Keir Starmer’s leadership.

The action announced torday by the Labour In Exile Network (LIEN) will see members campaign in the run-up to May’s local elections only for Labour candidates who are prepared to condemn the suspensions and demand the restoration of the whip to Jeremy Corbyn.

The former leader’s membership was suspended last year after he said that alleged anti-semitism within the party had been exaggerated by opponents of Labour. Although the suspension was soon lifted, Sir Keir refused to restore the whip to his predecessor.

Commenting on the suspensions, Christine Tongue of LIEN said: “This is a purge — and we are going to take collective action to stop it.

“I know it seems extraordinary that we’re planning to effectively go on strike against our own party, but this is how bad things have got. What could be more natural than for members of the labour movement to take collective action?”

She said that “hundreds” of members have been suspended for discussing and passing motions of solidarity with Mr Corbyn at constituency Labour Party (CLP) meetings in defiance of a ban imposed by new general secretary David Evans.

LIEN will debate the plan at its founding conference on Saturday February 27. 

Until last September, Ms Tongue was secretary and disability officer of South Thanet CLP. She was expelled for wishing good luck to former Labour MP Chris Williamson, an ally of Mr Corbyn.

Mr Williamson was suspended from the party in 2019 for saying that Labour “gave too much ground” and was “too apologetic” in its responses to anti-semitism allegations.


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