A LABOUR MP who revealed this week that she had beaten breast cancer got a second boost yesterday after being made a shadow culture minister.
THE head of the Metropolitan Police was confronted live on radio yesterday by Green peer Jenny Jones over why spooks’ records on her were destroyed
PARTISAN Tory attempts to cripple Labour’s finances by cutting off union funding could be defeated in the Lords after being criticised yesterday by
LABOUR could lose up to £40 million between every election if the Trade Union Bill becomes law, GMB general secretary Paul Kenny warned yesterday.
CATHERINE McKINNELL resigned as shadow attorney general yesterday, citing family reasons and concerns about the “negative path” she claims the Labo
THE GREEN Party raised questions over police accountability yesterday after reports emerged that secret files kept on peer Jenny Jones were destroy
LABOUR voters are more radically minded than supporters of rival left-wing parties, according to polling released yesterday by the London School of