ASYLUM accomodation should be decentralised from the Home Office as the costs per person have more than doubled in four years, a new report says to
LABOUR’S affordable homes target is at risk and council homes face falling into disrepair as many town halls can no longer afford to meet statutory
FAILING water regulator Ofwat could be abolished as the British and Welsh governments have announced an independent review of the sector.
VOTERS will punish Labour if it puts balancing the books ahead of fixing public services in its forthcoming Budget, new polling revealed today.
LEFT MP John McDonnell and leading lawyer Sir Geoffrey Bindman KC have urged the Charity Commission to reopen its investigation into the Campaign A
ANGELA RAYNER defended the Employment Rights Bill today after being told workers across the country need “immediate” protection from fire and rehir
THE National Union of Journalists (NUJ) has condemned a police raid on the home of the Electronic Intifada journalist Asa Winstanley as an abuse of
VICTIMS of Brazil’s worst environmental disaster launched their £36 billion class action lawsuit against a “cynical” global mining giant at the Hig
LABOUR must produce “solid plans” for bosses to tackle disability discrimination, the TUC said today after official figures revealed that the pay g