THE Lords were urged today to make non-fatal strangulation a specific crime in the Domestic Abuse Bill, which is making its passage through Parliam
BORIS JOHNSON is set to toughen coronavirus measures for England this evening.
UNSCRUPULOUS landlords who demand sex from tenants in lieu of rent should face the full force of the law, Labour has said.
CHILDCARE workers should be given proper personal protection equipment (PPE) and vaccinations while having to continue working during the Covid-19
DOZENS of human rights and press freedom organisations are urging a British judge to decide against extraditing Julian Assange to the United States
THE French were accused of “treachery” for agreeing to pay a “considerable sum” to British double agent Kim Philby to publish his memoirs, accordin
LABOUR is calling for £2 billion in business rates relief returned by supermarkets to the Treasury to be reallocated to support 175,000 businesses
HOME SECRETARY Priti Patel was roundly mocked today for insisting that the government has been “ahead of the curve” in tackling the coronavirus pan
ONE in eight people have been delayed 30 minutes or more in transit between ambulances and A&E departments this winter, according to