A CROSS-PARTY group of MPs is putting pressure on ministers to extend the £20-a-week “uplift” to all households claiming benefits during the Covid-
LABOUR says that today must mark a turning point in the cladding scandal, urging MPs to protect leaseholders from the costs of removing dangerous c
WEALTHY European countries were slammed today for squabbling over their Covid-19 vaccine supplies when poorer nations could be years behind in inoc
THE EU blocked exports of some Covid-19 vaccines made on the continent today amid a row with pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca over supply.
A TORY group representing one of Britain’s largest Jewish populations is under investigation for alleged anti-semitic abuse against a Labour candid
A SENIOR Tory MP refused to apologise today for telling a group to “persist” in a campaign against coronavirus lockdown restrictions, claiming that
JEREMY CORBYN lost a bid today to force the disclosure of Labour documents ahead of his forthcoming High Court challenge to his suspension from the
MPS have warned that a “shadow pandemic” of destitution, disease, international debt and a rise in women and girls being abused could be more catas