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‘Worst leader in the Scottish Tories' history’ resigns

THE quadruple-jobbing leader of the Scottish Tories, branded the “worst in the party’s history,” has resigned amid allegations of bullying.

Football referee Douglas Ross has served as MP for Moray since 2017, becoming Scots Tory leader in 2020 and entering the Scottish parliament in 2021.

He sparked a backlash, both inside and outside his own party, when he usurped a party colleague, Scotland Office Minister David Duguid, as the candidate for Aberdeenshire North and Moray East in the July 4 general election, despite Mr Duguid’s determination to stand.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he had “enjoyed” working with Mr Ross, who said he would give his “complete focus and attention” to his work as an MP, but others were less charitable.

Scottish Labour’s Dame Jackie Baillie said Mr Ross had “given up on trying to resuscitate the Scottish Tories’ flailing campaign,” while his SNP opponent in July, Seamus Logan, accused him of “shameful behaviour over David Duguid.”

Scottish Green Party co-leader Patrick Harvie branded Mr Ross the “worst leader in the Scottish Tories’ history,” adding: “Some in the Conservative Party have finally woken up and recognised what a nasty bully Douglas Ross is.”


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