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World in brief: 18 June 2018

Napoleon's hat auctioned off in France, Audi boss arrested in Germany, Israel criticises William Windsor, and terror attack in Kenya

FRANCE: A hat said to have been worn by Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo was auctioned at Lyon today.

It was expected to sell for €30,000-€40,000 (£26,000-£35,000).

The emperor wore at least 120 hats in his career with 12 in service at any one time, each with a three-year lifespan. Only 19 are thought to still exist.

It was said to have been found on the battlefield following his defeat at Waterloo in 1815, which brought an end to the Napoleonic Wars.

GERMANY: Audi boss Rupert Stadler has been arrested in connection with ongoing investigations into the diesel emissions scandal.

Prosecutors explained they detained Mr Stadler because they believed there was a risk he might try to suppress evidence.

The scandal broke three years ago after it was discovered that cars made by Volkswagen, which owns Audi, had been fitted with devices to cheat emissions tests.

PALESTINE: Britain’s Prince William has been criticised by Israel after referring to his forthcoming visit to the Old City of Jerusalem as part of his trip to Palestine.

Last week’s royal itinerary referred to the Old City as being located in the Occupied Palestinian Territories instead of Israel.

Jerusalem Affairs Minister Ze’ev Elkin said it is “regrettable they chose to politicise the royal visit.”

KENYA: An alleged al-Shabab attack killed eight Kenyan police officers today near the border with Somalia.

The vehicle they were travelling in was hit by an improvised explosive device (IED) while they were travelling to Wajir County.

The jihadist group controls large parts of Somalia and is seeking to impose a caliphate in the region. In a similar incident last month five police officers were killed in the county of Garissa.


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