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Welsh Labour appoints Baroness as first woman leader

WELSH Labour has a new leader with Eluned Morgan the only candidate nominated today appointed as the party’s first woman in charge.

Baroness Morgan of Ely said: “I am truly honoured to become the first woman to lead Welsh Labour and to be put forward as our party’s nominee to become the next first minister of Wales.

“Huw Irranca-Davies and I stood proudly as a partnership, and we are delighted to have received the overwhelming support of Welsh Labour MSs and support from across Wales and the wider Labour movement.”

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer said: “Eluned’s election as Welsh Labour leader and candidacy for first minister is fantastic news for Wales and for the Labour Party. 

“We have been given a strong mandate to deliver change for working people, and I look forward to working hand-in-hand with Eluned to deliver on our promises to Wales and Britain.”

Outgoing First Minister Vaughan Gething offered his congratulations on X, saying: “I know, that with decades of experience of public service in Wales, the party is in good hands.”

Mr Gething announced last week that he was standing down after he was forced to resign after four cabinet members left his government and told him to go.

The antipathy from Mr Gething’s supporters towards Jeremy Miles, who had received enough nominations to stand, decided him to throw his weight behind a unity candidate and nominated Baroness Morgan as leader and Huw Irranca-Davies as deputy first minister.

Baroness Morgan said: “When we pledged unity, we meant it — and that is how we will lead.”

Opposition parties welcomed Baroness Morgan’s appointment but the Tories called for the Senedd to be recalled so that it could decide who the country’s next first minister will be.

The Senedd is currently in the summer recess and for it to be recalled will require Mr Gething to formally resign as first minister, but the Welsh government was unable to provide advice on when this would happen.

Welsh Labour was also asked for confirmation of the next steps before Baroness Morgan can be formally nominated as the first minister but did not respond.

Plaid Cymru’s leader Rhun ap Iorwerth called for a Senedd election but recognised that Welsh Labour would not call for one.

“The fact that she is the third leader in three months speaks volumes about the turmoil at the heart of the governing party,” Mr ap Iorwerth said.


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