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Latin American left congratulates Peru's Pedro Castillo on his apparent presidential victory

LEFT-WING figures across Latin America began congratulating Peru’s Pedro Castillo yesterday after the final votes in the country’s presidential election appeared to show that he had won.

Mr Castillo gained 50.2 per cent of the votes against right-winger Keiko Fujimori’s 49.8 per cent.

But Peru’s electoral tribunal, expected to take a week or more to officially declare the winner, is evaluating 631 tally sheets following unsubstantiated accusations of voter fraud from Ms Fujimori’s campaign.

Brazil’s Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva said: “The result of the Peruvian polls is symbolic and represents another advance in the popular struggle in our dear Latin America.”

Argentinian President Alberto Fernandez tweeted Mr Castillo on Thursday, saying that he hopes “we join forces in favour of Latin America. We are deeply twinned nations.”

Bolivian leader Luis Arce said that his country “joins the celebration of the Peruvian people, a country with which we share history and culture.”

Former Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa said: “Congratulations to Pedro Castillo and to all the Peruvian people. A simple pencil beat the [millionaires] and its corrupt press. The road is very difficult, but Peru will get ahead. Ever onward to victory!”


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