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Unions back co-ordinated response if Labour waters down New Deal

UNIONS will hold Labour to account if it waters down its New Deal for Working People, TUC Congress resolved unanimously.

The union federation, which represents nearly six million workers, will hold an emergency congress, should government cave in to business lobbying against a full ban on zero-hours contracts.

A composite motion, demanding the government realises its manifesto pledges to repeal anti-trade union laws and deliver on the deal in full, was passed unanimously at the conference in Brighton.

Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union president Martin Cavanagh said: “Let’s be clear today, that if Starmer’s government has not legislated and implemented the New Deal for Working People in full in the first 100 days, we call on the TUC to convene a special congress so we can collectively discuss our response to that abhorrent act.

“This is such an important time, such a big opportunity … if Labour reneges on its commitment to implement its New Deal in full we will challenge it in the same say we challenged the Tories.”

Labour has revised its promises to ban the insecure contracts within its flagship policy.

It plans to require employers to offer a contract based on regular hours worked, but workers could opt to stay on zero hours.

The motion also called on the government to legislate on a “complete ban” on “fire and rehire,” including “any potential loopholes, such as the use of fire and rehire for company restructuring.”

Unite delegate Heather Gilfillan said: “In this amendment Unite calls for a cast-iron guarantee that fire and rehire will be banned, with no exception, and while we are at it a total ban on zero-hours contracts, no exceptions.”

Calling for an end to all anti-trade union laws beyond the Trade Union Act 2016, Minimum Services Levels, and within TULRA 1992, Fire Brigades Union delegate Steve Wright said: “We must demand the repeal of all anti-trade union laws and importantly they are replaced with positive legal rights for workers from day one.”

The composite said Congress notes Labour’s manifesto commitment to implementing its New Deal “in full — introducing legislation within 100 days.

“If the government has not legislated within the first 100 days, a special TUC congress will be called to discuss next steps.”


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