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UCU demands alternative action to avert 400 job losses at Cardiff University

CARDIFF UNIVERSITY today set out proposals to cut 400 jobs and close courses despite warnings of industrial action by UCU union officials.

In a meeting with university leaders ahead of the announcement, UCU Wales demanded alternative action by the institution which is seeking to turn a financial deficit into profit.

The university remained tight-lipped, only saying this was speculation and it wanted to speak to staff and unions first. 

Soon after, vice-chancellor Professor Wendy Larner said it was “no longer an option” to continue as it was. 

The job cuts mean a 7 per cent reduction in the full-time academic staff workforce.

Subjects and programmes in ancient history, modern languages and translation, music, nursing, religion and theology could be closed under the plans.

UCU official Gareth Lloyd said: “While Cardiff’s senior management have questions to answer, these announcements cannot be removed from the wider context of a higher education funding crisis.

“Nowhere else in the Welsh public sector do we find a combination of job losses through voluntary severance, pay freezes and the very real risk of compulsory redundancy.”

The UCU said that universities are prevented from making a public case for more money on the basis that students will not apply to an institution if they think it is at risk.

“UCU members are neither able nor willing to carry the cost of inaction,” Mr Lloyd said.

“If the Welsh government wants to avoid a cycle of redundancies and damaging strikes, then it will need to use its 2025-26 budget to stabilise the sector.”

A Welsh government spokesperson said: “The higher education sector across the UK is facing a challenging financial period due to a range of factors. 

“We are monitoring the position of our universities and last year increased the tuition fee limit providing up to £21.9 million in additional income to universities.”

The Welsh government also said that it has provided an additional £10m to the sector, bringing total grant funding to over £200m in the current financial year.

Speaking on BBC Wales radio, UCU Cymru chairwoman Estelle Hart said there had been a “lack of communication” by university bosses which was causing “anxiety” to staff.

The UCU is planning a rally at the Senedd on February 4, 12.30-1.30pm, in defence of higher and further education in Wales.


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