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Turkey wants German cops to nab and deport Syrian Kurdish politician Salih Muslim

TURKEY asked German authorities today to extradite Syrian Kurdish politician Salih Muslim, who Ankara accuses, like all Kurds, of being a terrorist.

Ankara wants German cops to arrest and deport Mr Muslim, the former co-chair of Syria’s Democratic Union Party (PYD).

He was spotted in Berlin at the weekend after being released from custody in the Czech Republic last week, having been briefly detained on a Turkish arrest warrant.

Czech authorities asked him to remain within the European Union and to be available for hearings in his extradition case.

Turkey considers the PYD a terror group because of its links to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), a militant group that Ankara cites as justification for launching a bloody offensive on its own Kurdish population in the south-east.

Mr Muslim was put on Turkey’s most-wanted list earlier this month, with a $1 million reward for his capture.

German officials declined to comment on the specifics of Mr Muslim’s case, but have in the past objected to Turkey’s use of Interpol warrants to get other countries to detain its critics.


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