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Time for ‘concrete actions’ from his own government, says Swinney

FIRST MINISTER John Swinney called for “concrete actions and fewer strategy documents” from his own government today.

Speaking at the Glasgow campus of under-fire banking giant Barclays, Mr Swinney pledged to govern from a “moderate, left of centre position,” reassuring assembled bankers he would take a “collaborative and inclusive” towards business.

He said: “We must search to remove obstacles, we must offer certainty to those prepared to make commitments to our economy.

“Rather more bluntly, I will demand from my government more concrete actions and fewer strategy documents.

“A strategic approach is clearly essential, but I want the first question we ask ourselves to be — what can we do, rather than what can we write down.”

Calling for a “strong, successful, innovative and dynamic economy” to deliver on his aims of tackling child poverty, Mr Swinney continued: “There is no conflict in my mind or in the priorities of my government between eradicating child poverty and boosting economic growth.

“For me, and for my government, eradicating child poverty and boosting economic growth go hand in hand.”

Responding to the speech given just one day after her first meeting with Mr Swinney in his new role, STUC general secretary Roz Foyer told the Star:  “We understand the new First Minister’s focus on growth and are pleased that he recognises that this must take place with a focus on tackling low pay and supporting collective bargaining.

“Fair pay is central to tackling poverty as are decent public services.

“We hope the government will recognise the key part public investment and ownership has to play in achieving sustainable growth and would point the First Minister to the central role of public intervention in many of the small nation economies he seeks to emulate.”


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