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Thousands to protest against fossil fuels this weekend

THOUSANDS of people will march across Britain this weekend as part of global days of action to demand that international leaders rapidly phase out fossil fuels.

More than 40 demonstrations are happening in Britain tomorrow and Sunday, including in London, Edinburgh, Manchester and Plymouth, as part of some 400 actions worldwide.

They follow a warning last week by the United Nations that the world will fail to stop the climate crisis unless fossil fuels are rapidly phased out.

Protesters will call out the Tory government for seeking to “max out” North Sea oil and gas reserves despite warnings that there can be no new drilling if the world is to stay within habitable climate limits.

Stop Rosebank campaigner Lauren MacDonald said: “[Prime Minister] Rishi Sunak needs to stop bowing to the demands of the oil and gas companies that are raking in obscene profits while millions in this country can't afford to heat their homes.

“Fossil fuels are the biggest contributor to the climate crisis yet they’re the one thing governments have so far resisted acting on.”

A full list of actions can be found on the Fossil Fuel Treaty website’s interactive map.


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