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‘The time for change is now’, Scottish Labour leader proclaims as party releases UK manifesto

SCOTTISH Labour leader Anas Sarwar proclaimed today that “the time for change is now” as he welcomed his party’s UK manifesto.

The plans include £650 million in funding for devolved governments  under the Barnett formula, £320m of it destined for Scotland, and the creation of a state-owned body called GB Energy to be based in Scotland.

Mr Sarwar said: “These transformative plans will kick-start a decade of national renewal and deliver the change that Scotland desperately needs.

“After 14 years of Tory chaos and 17 years of SNP incompetence, the time for change is now.

“Labour will deliver lower bills for people across Scotland and higher pay for working people.

“We will create opportunities for young people, drive down NHS waiting lists, restore integrity in politics and put Scotland’s voice at the heart of government.

“This is an opportunity for change that Scotland cannot afford to miss.”

But Glasgow South West SNP candidate Chris Stephens was unconvinced.

He told the Morning Star: “There is a total lack of clarity, to put it generously, in Labour’s plans.

“They’ve told us they will create GB Energy, but we don’t know if it will generate any energy.

“They’ve told us they will have a new deal for workers, but that’s been watered down, rejected by Unite the Union and doesn’t come near what I proposed in my private member’s Bill.

“On top of that, they’ve claimed there’s more cash on the way, when we know austerity will continue with £18bn in cuts.

“They’ve claimed they stand for change, but the truth is that they offer no change at all.”


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