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Swedish dockers take day of action to protest sacking of leading trade unionist

SWEDISH dockers took a day of action today against the sacking of a leading trade unionist by Gothenburg RoRo Terminal.

Swedish Dockworkers’ Union (SDU) deputy chairman Erik Helgeson was fired in “a blatant act of retaliation for the union’s legally sanctioned boycott of military cargo to and from Israel,” the Workers in Palestine solidarity network said.

The action included a mass call-in to the company’s headquarters to demand it reinstate Mr Helgeson, and the leafleting of ports to the same effect.

In December union members voted to boycott military cargo for six days in protest at Israel’s war crimes in Gaza. The action was upheld as legal in a preliminary ruling from Sweden’s employment courts, but on the day of the ruling Mr Helgeson was fired.

“Erik’s dismissal is an attack on all of us who believe in the right to take meaningful action in solidarity with oppressed peoples,” Workers in Palestine said.

You can email Gothenburg RoRo Terminal in protest at or write to its majority owner, DFDS’s, British terminals in Newcastle, Newhaven or Dover at addresses provided here.


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