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Sudan regime shunting politicals to remote jails, communists warn

SUDANESE authorities have moved a number of political prisoners to more remote jails, the country’s Communist Party (SCP) revealed yesterday.

Party activists including general secretary Muhammad Mukhtar al-Khatieb were rounded up during mass protests against soaring bread prices a fortnight ago.

The remote prisons in Zalingh and Shala “lack the basic conditions to accommodate the detainees” or access to proper medical care, the SCP warned.

“Apart from its notorious and inhuman conditions, the regime’s step is aiming at isolating the detainees from contact with families [and] legal advisers,” the party added.

Warning that the “lives of the detainees [are] in imminent danger,” the SCP political bureau called on communists and workers around the world “to raise their voice to demand their safety and their immediate release.”


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