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Peace on Earth

MPs, anti-war and disarmament activists call tomorrow for a mass movement for peace in the Morning Star Christmas special.

Thousands continue to die in conflicts around the world, two of which, Russia’s war against Ukraine and the ever-expanding Israeli war against Gaza and its neighbours, involve potential nuclear confrontation.

And peace campaigners warn the new Donald Trump presidency could green-light Israeli annexation of more Palestinian land while bullying Europe into massive hikes to military spending.

British and French peace organisations have signed a joint declaration urging their governments to meet their nuclear disarmament commitments on the 14th anniversary of the Lancaster House Treaties.  

The treaties called for a “mutually beneficial long-term partnership in defence and security matters,” including the joint use of the facilities to improve the performance of nuclear warheads.

Yet they also recognise that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction “is one of the most serious threats to international peace and security” and support “non-proliferation, the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and disarmament.”

John Cooper, from Fellowship of Reconciliation, who signed the declaration, said: “As people in the Christian Church, we are about to prepare to welcome the Prince of Peace on Christmas Day. 

“What world are we preparing to welcome him into? One riven by war. Where one in four of the world’s population are affected by conflict and the nuclear nations continue to invest in weapons of mass destruction instead of building lasting peace by investing in tackling poverty and climate change. 

“We hope this anniversary provides pause for thought for all, and reminds us all of the need to continue to act and work for a world free from nuclear weapons and lasting peace.”

Stop the War co-convener Lindsey German warns that “Starmer is committed to increasing British ‘defence’ spending to 2.5 per cent of GDP a year at a time when his government attacks the Waspi women and pensioners’ fuel allowance.”

And independent MP Jeremy Corbyn points out that “real security is not endless military spending. 

“It’s ensuring everybody has a decent home, securing a habitable future and co-operating with our global neighbours to bring about a more sustainable and peaceful world.

“Christmas and New Year remind us that hope endures. They offer a moment to pause, reflect, and be grateful for the strength we find in one another.”


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