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Sleaze could lead to a ‘Swinney slump’, say Labour

THE First Minister’s decision to defend Michael Matheson and attack Holyrood’s standards committee will lead to a “Swinney slump,” according to Scottish Labour.

John Swinney attracted widespread criticism last week when he attacked the cross-party group’s decision to recommend suspending Mr Matheson for 27 days and dock 54 days of his wages.

Referring to comments made in November by Tory committee member Annie Wells, who described Mr Matheson’s actions as “riddled with lies, cover-ups and the need for us all to suspend our disbelief,” the First Minister had branded the process “prejudiced.”

Mr Matheson faces the action after being found to have lied to the public, Parliament and media about how he managed to run up a bill of almost £11,000 on his parliamentary laptop.

Initially charging the bill through expenses, he claimed it had occurred during parliamentary business, before later admitting it had been used by his sons as a wifi hotspot to watch a football match while on a family holiday in Morocco.

The affair not only cost him the £11,000 he paid back, but also his job as health secretary and could cost more still if Holyrood backs the committee’s recommendations this week.

Defending his position on Saturday, Mr Swinney added: “We cannot have our national Parliament presiding over prejudice and certainly not prejudice from the Conservatives.

“I think when you bring prejudice into a process, you have to recognise the process is damaged as a consequence.”

While the sanctions against Mr Matheson are likely to pass with the backing of all opposition groups, a spokesperson for the Scottish Greens said they too have concerns about the process.

They said: “Michael Matheson made a mistake for which he has already been punished, but it is the view of the Green group of MSPs that it is correct that he receives further parliamentary sanction, and we will vote for such action.

“However, we are united in our concern that the standards committee does not appear to have a consistent approach to the level of sanctions proposed, has allowed members to pre-judge the case, and has also seen draft proposals leaked.”

Scottish Labour MP Ian Murray said: “SNP MPs must be looking at John Swinney’s decision to defend Michael Matheson in absolute despair.

“This a man who attempted to defraud the taxpayer of £11,000 and then lied about it.

“He’s been caught bang to rights and defending this sleaze will lead to a Swinney slump on July 4.”


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