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Northern Ireland Sinn Fein and DUP back Unite’s demand for NI Housing Executive to hire Carillion workers

IRISH political parties gave their support today to the Unite union’s demand that Carillion workers be taken on by the public-sector Housing Executive.

About 250 workers in Northern Ireland were left at risk of losing their jobs when the British-based outsourcing transnational collapsed into liquidation.

Unite has demanded that the Housing Executive, for which the Carillion employees did maintenance work, hire the workers.

That call has now received the support of Sinn Fein and the Democratic Unionist Party.

Unite’s Ireland secretary Jackie Pollock said: “There is a real urgency in ensuring that they are now taken directly into employment through the Housing Executive’s direct labour organisation.”

And Unite officer Susan Fitzgerald added: “Unite has said all along the only answer for tenants and workers is for direct employment” by the Housing Executive.

“There is no place for large-scale private companies in delivering a service to tenants. We have seen this approach fail time after time. It has to end now.”


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