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Scottish Greens call for ‘real new deal for workers’

THE Scottish Greens have challenged Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer not to backtrack on workers’ rights, as they echo STUC calls for devolution of employment law.

The Labour Party’s New Deal for Workers pledges to roll back recent anti-trade union laws, enforce a “real living wage” and end “exploitative” zero-hours contracts.

But the party have so far refused to back devolution of employment law.

Ahead of the publishing of their own plans, Scottish Green co-leader Patrick Harvie has challenged Sir Keir to make good on pledges to workers and back devolution.

“Every worker deserves the security, stability and peace of mind that comes from a real living wage, robust protections and an end to exploitative conditions,” Mr Harvie said. 

“With full powers over employment law we could do so much more to build an economy that is based on solidarity, equality and need rather than corporate greed.

“We could be weeks away from a Labour government with a big majority but no moral compass.

“Sir Keir Starmer has gone back on almost every pledge he has made, and we must ensure that workers’ rights aren’t next.”


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