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Sarwar facing questions on low wages at family firm

SCOTTISH Labour leader Anas Sarwar faced accusations of hypocrisy today after admitting his family’s firm is complicit in low pay. 

Mr Sarwar gave up shares in United Wholesale in 2017 when he came under fire over employment practices.

But seven years on, with close family retaining significant stakes, the issue resurfaced as he promoted Labour’s New Deal for Workers on BBC Scotland’s Sunday Show.

When pressed, Mr Sarwar admitted: “I don’t believe that every single staff member is on the real living wage.”

Responding on X (formerly Twitter), SNP’s Alison Thewliss asked: “Anas Sarwar’s family business isn’t even paying the real living wage, how can he possibly be taken seriously on his commitment to workers?”

Scottish Labour executive member Lauren Harper told the Star: “For a business run — as Anas is always keen to remind us — by ‘a Labour family,’ to fail to pay their workers the living wage is disgraceful.

“Labour should be the party of working people. Business owners should not even want to lead the party, never mind business owners who think so little of workers that they can’t pay them a fair wage for a fair day’s work.”

Scottish Labour was contacted for comment.


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