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RMT and BFAWU back Stephens

TWO major trade unions have taken the almost unprecedented step of endorsing an SNP candidate at the general election.

Transport union the RMT and bakers’ union BFAWU have thrown their weight behind Chris Stephens as he bids to retain his seat in Glasgow South West.

Speaking to the Star, RMT’s Scotland organiser Gordon Martin said Mr Stephens had won the support of the union not only at national level, but among branches and individual members, adding: “RMT policy is to support politicians who support us and Chris Stephens has been a steadfast supporter of RMT.”

BFAWU’s national president Ian Hodson meanwhile called Mr Stephens “someone with a history of being a strong voice for our class and our needs.”

Welcoming the support on the eve of poll, Mr Stephens told the Star: “I am delighted to receive the endorsement of two member-led trade unions, recognising my work to enhance workers’ rights and strong opposition to anti-trade union laws designed to frustrate collective bargaining. 

“The next parliament needs to focus on how we restore dignity and fairness in the workplace, which will require left-wing voices looking to enhance Labour’s timid offer.”


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