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Resurgent Labour looks to capitalise on SNP woes

SCOTTISH party leaders have begun setting out their stalls in the upcoming general election as a resurgent Labour seek to capitalise on SNP woes.

Recent surveys have shown Scottish Labour topping the polls for the first time in a decade after what has been widely regarded as the toughest year for the SNP since taking control of Holyrood in 2007.

After 25 years in Holyrood and 16 years in the cabinet, John Swinney became First Minister and the SNP’s third leader in 13 months.

He is eager to to tell members and the public he was “no caretaker” leader to see the party through a general election, expected to be their stiffest electoral test since they came just three shy of wiping out all other parties in Scotland 2015, winning 56 out of 59 seats.

Just two weeks into the role and facing that election with a party rocked by police investigations and infighting, Mr Swinney appealed to activists at an event in Edinburgh.

“Over the next six weeks we’ll see the Tories and Labour really going at it,” he said.

“They’ll be going hammer and tongs to discredit each other.

“I’ll also be going hammer and tongs, not against anyone, but I’ll be going hammer and tongs to put Scotland first.

“Every election is an opportunity to move Scotland forward to a better future.”

The SNP’s erstwhile Holyrood coalition partners are expected to stand more candidates in the coming general election than ever before.

Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie called the election an “opportunity to get rid of this utterly wretched Tory government and to end their obscene culture war.”

He said: “With our climate future at stake in the wake of the Prime Minister’s scorched earth policies, this will be the most important election for a generation.”

Basking in a 10-point poll lead amid predictions of growing their MP group from two to 35, Scottish Labour’s Anas Sarwar said: “For too long now people have felt that those in power are in it for themselves or want to put their party before the country.

“This is not just the Tories — it’s also now the perfect description of this SNP government.

 “As people across the country finally get to make their judgement on two governments that have treated the public with contempt, only Labour can clean up our politics, restore integrity and deliver the change our country needs.”


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