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Reform's Richard Tice commitment to constituency under question as he splits time between Skegness and Dubai

REFORM UK MP and deputy leader Richard Tice’s commitment to his constituency was thrown into doubt yesterday after it was revealed that the avowed patriot splits his time between Skegness and Dubai.

The Observer confirmed that his partner, far-right commentator Isabel Oakeshott, moved to the UAE with her children “some months ago,” but both insist they are still “an item.”

Ms Oakeshott, who does not appear to speak Arabic, has penned articles in the Telegraph about “newcomers who don’t integrate” and pedalled racist hate on Talk TV, where she is international editor, complaining that her boyfriend’s constituency was “overrun by migrants.”

“She has been based out there for a few months … I occasionally go there and she ­occasionally comes here,” Mr Tice told the Observer.

The article said he “insists he is totally ­committed to his constituency and to his work in the Commons.”

Mr Tice confirmed that the couple aren’t expecting a visit from Reform leader Nigel Farage anytime soon.

He said: “No, he is quite busy. He has got various other international obligations.”


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