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Recriminations under way over postal vote chaos

FEAR and anger are growing that thousands of postal voters could be disenfranchised just days before the general election count gets under way. 

Record numbers of people were expected to vote by post at this week’s general election, and more than 6.7 million ballots have already been posted, according to the Electoral Commission.

But concerns are growing that many have still to arrive, or have landed on the doormat after voters have left for their summer holidays.

Tory Postal Affairs Minister Kevin Hollinrake told the Telegraph at the weekend he believed there had been a “resourcing issue” at Royal Mail, and he was “urgently” investigating the situation.

The Czech-owned company, which Mr Hollinrake voted to privatise, stated that it “would welcome a review into the timetable for future elections,” but said it had “no backlog of postal votes.”

“We remain confident that postal votes handed to us on time will be delivered prior to polling day,” it added. 

The SNP’s Westminster leader and candidate for Aberdeen South said, Stephen Flynn told the BBC:  “You know, we warned the Prime Minister of this when it became apparent that he was going to choose the election date because, of course, for a huge majority of the people of Scotland, it’s now the school holidays, people are away on holiday.

“If their postal vote didn’t land in time, then they’re now disenfranchised from this election.

“That’s simply not good enough.”

“I see some individuals are blaming the Royal Mail but the reality is the system is not fit for purpose, and we need to see huge reform.”

Joining the calls for a review, Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer said: “We must do everything we collectively can to ensure that those ballot papers get to people, that they can fill them in and have the vote to which they are entitled, so the country can move forward with the change that I hope will be delivered at this election.”

A Local Government Association spokesperson said workers were “doing their utmost to ensure the smooth running of this election,” but added: “The postal vote system could benefit from review.”

CWU General Secretary Dave Ward said: “The postal services of the UK have been deliberately and grossly mismanaged by the current Royal Mail Board.

“There needs to be a full and independent investigation into the actions of the current Board and their deliberate destruction of postal services in the UK. We will campaign for this to happen.

“We also call on the public to recognise that the frontline postal workers are doing their very best under impossible circumstances.

“With 25 per cent of the electorate set to cast their vote by post it shows the service is still relevant - we now need politicians and the incoming government to step up and work with us to rebuild it.”

Completed postal votes can be posted or taken to polling stations, but must reach councils by 10pm on polling day.


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