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Peace campaign launched against deep space radar station in Wales

PEACE campaigners in Wales are launching a campaign today against plans by the British and US militaries to build a giant deep-space radar station in Pembrokeshire.

The deep space advanced radar concept (Darc) at Cawdor barracks, near the village of Brawdy, would operate as part of the three-way security pact between Australia, Britain and the United States (Aukus).

The military alliance plans to build three Darc radar installations in each country to track foreign countries’ communications and military satellites in space, enabling British, US and Australian aircraft to destroy them with anti-satellite missiles.

Pembrokeshire Against Radar Campaign (Parc) launched its Parc Against Darc campaign by setting up a website, social media pages and a petition, along with campaign crowdfunding and lobbying tools. 

The website, at, outlines key arguments against Darc, including its environmental and health risks.

Parc spokesman Jim Scott said: “The science is crystal clear and decades of research show higher incidence rates of cancers and other health complications experienced by residential populations closest to high-powered, long-range broadcast-capable radio frequency installations.”

The campaign launch comes in response to last December’s announcement by Defence Secretary Grant Shapps that the Pembrokeshire site is the British government’s preferred location for the radar station.

The campaigners point out that Ministry of Defence decisions are usually shrouded in secrecy but say the onus is squarely on the military to prove the site’s safety.

Parc has already gained support from organisations in Wales and beyond, such as Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the Stop the War Coalition, as well as individual politicians from Plaid Cymru and Welsh Labour and trade unionists.

Wales Green Party leader Anthony Slaughter said: “We support the Parc campaign and will work with them and others to resist the proposed deep-space advanced radar concept … being built in Pembrokeshire.

“The proposed facility will make this part of Wales vulnerable to future attacks as part of any resulting conflict triggered by its use and represents an unacceptable militarisation of space.

“The UK government should not be co-operating in this drive to extend these wars into space.

“Governments at every level have a duty to work towards creating a fairer, more equal and peaceful world for future generations and should play no part in this dangerous escalation of warmongering.”

Parc Against Darc will host a public meeting at Solva Memorial Hall, 39 High Street, Solva, Haverfordwest, SA62 6TE, on June 27 at 7pm .


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