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New First Minister must intervene to secure public transport

TRANSPORT union RMT has called on new First Minister John Swinney to step in to stop rail strikes and secure the future of CalMac ferries.

Just hours after Mr Swinney officially took office, the union said it is determined to place transport at the top of his in-tray.

ScotRail faces a guards’ dispute on the key Barrhead and East Kilbride commuter lines next week over the role of guards, and the future of state-owned CalMac hangs in the balance while the Scottish government decide on whether or not to invite other bidders for lifeline services across the islands of Scotland’s west coast.

RMT general secretary Mick Lynch has demanded clarity and action from Mr Swinney, who was revealed in national records earlier this year to have considered a CalMac sell-off to raise extra cash while SNP finance secretary back in 2007.

Mr Lynch said: “The new First Minister has an opportunity to settle the dispute on ScotRail and to deliver the commitment to the future of publicly owned CalMac ferry services in the west of Scotland.

“Dealing with these issues will show what kind of Scotland John Swinney wants to build and that the Scottish government is committed to reaching negotiated settlements with unions for the mutual benefit of workers and passengers,” he said.

Echoing those calls, Labour West of Scotland MSP Katy Clark called for a “positive vision for Scotland’s railways.”

She added: “The First Minister must do what his predecessors have failed to do: address the ferries fiasco.

“That must include replenishing the fleet at pace and providing certainty for passengers and islanders by directly awarding CalMac with a contract.”

Transport Scotland called for “constructive dialogue” on the guards dispute and reiterated that a direct award to CalMac remained “ministers’ preferred approach.”


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