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Men's Football Lula makes debut as football pundit

BRAZIL’S jailed presidential candidate Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has made his debut as a football pundit.

Behind bars, he wrote a column for Workers’ Party TV on Monday criticising Brazil’s performance in the 1-1 draw against Switzerland at the World Cup.

“Qualifying is one thing. The World Cup is different, Switzerland was strong in defence, playing rough, and didn’t allow Brazil to perform. They also stopped Neymar by fouling him again and again.”

Lula also said “the first week of the World Cup proves Germany is not unbeatable and, among the top players, only [Portugal’s] Cristiano Ronaldo proved his value.”

Lula, the country’s most popular candidate, is currently serving a 12-year sentence on trumped-up corruption charges related to his alleged involvement in the car wash scandal.


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