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Justice for Palestine means justice everywhere, Palestinian ambassador tells TUC before standing ovation

PALESTINE’S ambassador to Britain Husam Zomlot received a standing ovation at TUC Congress today after demanding justice for the besieged nation.

He was speaking after Congress unanimously passed a motion calling on the government to end all licences for arms traded with Israel to meet its obligations under international law.

“Justice in Palestine means justice everywhere,” Mr Zomlot told delegates.

“Palestine has become a global movement precisely because people have rightly identified it as a cornerstone of the anti-racist cause.

“It means the equal and unflinching application of law. Palestine is not just about us. It is about all of us.” 

As the anniversary of October 7 approaches, Mr Zomlot said: “Next month, it will be a year of genocide. 

“It would be a year of shame for Israel’s allies, who have repeatedly failed to do what needs to be done.

“In fact, it would be 76 years of shame — 76 years in which Israel has been allowed to act with impunity.”

Referring to the sign behind that said A New Deal for Working People, Mr Zomlot said: “I agree we need a new deal for workers, but we also need a new deal for the world.

“Otherwise, we will be asking ourselves what kind of world are we leaving behind for our children.”

He underscored the need for a global commitment — like that agreed at founding of the UN in 1945 — where rules apply equally to everyone, everywhere. 

Mr Zomlot said that Palestinians will survive and rise again: “Despite the genocide, despite the ethnic cleansing, despite all the wars, we are too rooted like the roots of our ancient olive trees, to be removed from our land.”


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