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Hundreds more Scotrail workers to be balloted for strike action

HUNDREDS more ScotRail workers could be headed for strike action as the Scottish government-owned company fails to table a “credible” pay offer.

Unite the union will ballot more than 300 train cleaners, engineers, ticket agents, hospitality assistants and conductors for strike action from Wednesday, joining comrades in Aslef and RMT whose ballots are underway.

In line with SNP Scottish government public-sector pay policy, the operator offered workers a sub-inflation 2 per cent pay uplift backdated to April, followed by 1 per cent in January, in a pattern to be repeated in each of the following two years, but roundly rejected by all unions at ScotRail.

Unite’s industrial officer Pat McIlvogue challenged ScotRail management and SNP Scottish government ministers to step in to avert a rail strike.

He said: “ScotRail must formally table a credible pay offer which our members can seriously consider before this dispute escalates into nationwide strike action.

“The Scottish government, who are the ultimate paymasters, and ScotRail need to get their heads together and quickly.

“There is still a window of opportunity to resolve this dispute through negotiation.

“If they fail to grasp this chance, then it will be full steam ahead towards autumn strike action.”

ScotRail customer operations director Phil Campbell said: “We recognise the hard work of our colleagues and the cost-of-living challenges faced by families across the country and hope that we can come to an agreement on pay which reflects this, as well as providing value for money for taxpayers.  

“We are keen to resolve this dispute and remain committed to continuing discussions with our trade union colleagues.” 

A Transport Scotland spokesperson said: “Although the Scottish government is not at the negotiating table, ministers are being kept informed of progress.”

The Unite ballot will close on August 20.


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