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Environmentalists celebrate after council rejects open cast mining extension

ENVIRONMENTAL campaigners were celebrating today after councillors said no to further opencast mining at Glan Lash.

Carmarthenshire councillors refused permission for an extension to the opencast mine on environmental grounds.

About 50 local people and campaigners had gathered on the steps of Carmarthenshire County Hall ahead of the planning meeting and celebrated the decision.

Friends of the Earth Cymru director Haf Elgar said: “Carmarthenshire councillors made the historic decision to put nature and climate first — and we owe them a huge debt of gratitude. 

“By saying no to more coal at Glan Lash, the last opencast mine in Wales, we can finally see an end to opencast mining in Wales for good. 

“Coal is a part of our heritage, not our future. We must focus instead on cleaner greener energy and creating sustainable green jobs in Carmarthenshire and across Wales.”

Earlier this year councillors in Merthyr Tydfil voted unanimously to stop mining at Ffos y Fran, Wales other opencast coal mine.


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