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SNP slammed for ‘shameless’ meeting with Israeli diplomat as slaughter of Palestinians continues

SCOTTISH Greens slammed the SNP government today for “shameless” and “two-faced” meetings with Israeli diplomats as the slaughter of Palestinians continues.

SNP Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture Angus Robertson reportedly met deputy Israeli ambassador Daniela Grudsky Ekstein last week to discuss “mutual interests.”

Scottish Green MSP Ross Greer hit out at his party’s erstwhile coalition colleagues.

He said: “The Israeli regime is committing genocide in Gaza.

“They cut off water and electricity, restricted the supply of everything from medicines to period products and have slaughtered tens of thousands of innocent people in a 10-month campaign of relentless bombing.

“This is a shameless two-faced approach from the SNP.

“They publicly condemn Israel’s war crimes whilst holding secret meetings with its representatives to discuss so-called ‘mutual interests.’

“Angus Robertson wouldn’t dream of meeting representatives of Syria’s murderous Assad regime.

“Apartheid Israel should be no different.”

He also took aim at Scottish government inaction to cut grants to companies complicit in the occupation of Palestine.

“The SNP can’t have it both ways,” Mr Greer said. “They should apologise for this underhand attempt to build closer ties with Israel at the very same time as it inflicts a horrific slaughter on the Palestinian people.”

A Scottish government spokesperson confirmed the meeting between Mr Robertson and the Daniela Grudsky Ekstein had taken place on August 8.

The spokesperson said: “They discussed areas of mutual interest, including culture, renewable energy and engaging the country’s respective diasporas.

“Mr Robertson reiterated the Scottish government’s position in calling for an immediate ceasefire by all sides in Gaza, the unconditional release of all hostages and the opening of safe routes to allow more humanitarian aid to reach the people of Gaza.”


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