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Campaign to ‘free political prisoners’ to launch with civil disobedience actions

AN EXHIBITION of political prisoners will be showcased outside London law institutions, as part of a new a civil disobedience campaign. 

Starting on Friday September 27, Defend Our Juries (DoJ) will orchestrate an escalating series of non-violent protests in central London and across the country, demanding the release of more than 30 peaceful protesters currently being held in Britain’s prisons.

One of the actions as part of the Free Political Prisoners campaign  is to create an exhibition of political prisoners outside the Southwark Crown Court and the Attorney General’s Office.

The DoJ also calls for the removal of paid lobbyist John Woodcock, also known as Lord Walney, from the role of independent adviser to the government on political violence and disruption.

Since July, at least 40 peaceful protesters have been jailed for taking action on climate change, disrupting weapons manufacturing and other causes, DoJ has said.

The group’s spokeswoman Trudi Warner added: “It’s hard to believe that human rights lawyers such as the Prime Minister and the attorney general are allowing gross violations of international law, condemned by the UN, to happen on their watch.

“If nothing else, our new campaign, Free Political Prisoners will make it impossible for them to claim they didn’t know.”

Palestine Action co-founder Huda Ammori said that rather than abiding by its legal obligation to stop Israel’s weapons trade, “the British state is imprisoning those who do.”

She said: “As a result, there are currently 16 Palestine Action political prisoners, detained for trying to stop a genocide.

“From Britain to Palestine, the political prisoners are on the front line of our collective struggle for liberation.”


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