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THE British government was accused of “hypocrisy and double standards” today after announcing extra millions in funding to prosecute Russian war criminals in Ukraine while arming Israel’s criminal genocide in Gaza.
The Ministry of Defence said that it is to give £4.5 million to support Ukrainian documentation, investigation and prosecution of Russian war crimes.
The money comes on top of £6.2m previously committed.
Foreign Secretary David Lammy said: “The atrocities we have witnessed in Ukraine are unspeakable — there can be no lasting peace without accountability, and UK support will help Ukraine as it pursues justice for the victims and survivors of these crimes.”
Stop the War Coalition convener Lindsey German told the Morning Star: “The reek of hypocrisy and double standards coming from Whitehall has rarely been stronger.
“This latest announcement is about the most brazen yet. It is giving millions to investigate Russian war crimes while at the same time is aiding and abetting the war criminal [Israeli PM Benjamin] Netanyahu by providing weapons, military support and political succour to a government committing genocide against the Palestinians.
“If David Lammy wants to do the right thing he should stop arming Israel and demand a complete cessation to Israel’s attacks on Yemen, Lebanon and Syria as well as his ethnic cleansing of Gaza and the West Bank.”
She said the government “has apparently endless money for supporting war and militarism but nothing for pensioners like the Waspi women.”
According to the government’s most recent figures, Britain has committed £12.8 billion to Ukraine — £7.8bn in military support and £5bn in non-military support.