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Europe German SPD just 1 point ahead of far-right AfD in latest poll

GERMANY’S Social Democrats (SPD) have sunk to a new low in opinion polling, dropping 2 per cent in a week to just 16 per cent, according to a survey published today.

The poll by broadcaster ARD puts the SPD just one point ahead of the far-right AfD, while the socialist Left party has seen its support increase slightly to 13 per cent.

The grim figures come as the SPD prepares to have its members vote on whether the party should cobble together another so-called grand coalition with Angela Merkel’s right-wing CDU, which the poll puts at 33 per cent.

The postal ballot will begin on Tuesday and results will be announced on March 4.

New members — who are more likely to oppose getting back in bed with the right — have been barred by SPD officials from voting on the deal if they joined after February 6.

Just 42 per cent of the public support a grand coalition, though a separate poll puts support among SPD members at 66 per cent.


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