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Flamingo Land on Loch Lomond must be ditched, say Greens

A DECISION to reject plans for a “ridiculous” Flamingo Land resort on the banks of Loch Lomond for a second time must spell the end of the road, the Scottish Greens insisted today.

The Lomond Banks development, involving the construction of two hotels, over 100 self-catering cottages and a monorail near the town of Balloch at the southern end of the loch, came after earlier plans were rejected in 2018.

Despite alterations to the original proposal, however, more than 150,000 people have signed a petition in opposition.

Formal objections have been lodged by a range of organisations, including the National Trust for Scotland, Woodland Trust, Ramblers Scotland, Balloch and Haldane Community Council and Scottish environment watchdog Sepa.

Ahead of a decision by the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority, long-term opponent and Green MSP, Ross Greer, said: “It is staggering that Flamingo Land has pushed things this far.

“The local community and people across Scotland have made their feelings known.

“I hope that at long last, today will mark the end of the road for Flamingo Land and a destructive proposal that Loch Lomond neither wants or needs.

“The loch is one of the most celebrated and unique landscapes anywhere in Scotland.

“For Flamingo Land to scar it with this garish resort would be the worst kind of cultural and environmental vandalism.

“I hope that today will be the day that the national park rejects Flamingo Land, allowing the people of Balloch to get on with their lives without this ridiculous proposal hanging over them.”

Jim Patterson, development director for Lomond Banks, said: “We hope for a fair hearing, where our proposals will be considered on the facts presented and not the false information that has been spread by others.”

The decision on the plans had not been made as the Morning Star went to press.


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