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Iraqi troops drive Isis death cult out of Rawa

IRAQI troops drove Isis out of Rawa, the last significant settlement held by the death cult, following a dawn assault yesterday.

Defence Ministry spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Rasool said army troops and local militia had recaptured the town on the River Euphrates after just five hours of fighting.

The victory reduced the terrorist movement’s area of control in Iraq to a stretch of desert in Anbar province north of the town.

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi congratulated his forces on recapturing Rawa in record time and said they were continuing operations to regain control of Iraq’s western desert and the area bordering Syria.

However, Isis is expected to continue terror attacks across the country despite its impending territorial wipeout.

Upriver in the Syrian border town of Abu Kamal, fighting continued between Isis and the Syrian army and its allies.

Government troops recaptured the Hamdan air base north of the town, which has changed hands twice in the last week, and reportedly reached the river on both sides of Abu Kamal.

Government forces entered Abu Kamal, the last major Isis stronghold in Syria, only to be quickly driven out by a successful counterattack.


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