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Disabled children’s charity funnelled £749,000 to right-wing think tanks, Good Law Project finds

A DISABLED children’s charity has handed hundreds of thousands of pounds to right-wing pressure groups, an investigation by the Good Law Project has revealed.

The project found that Street Foundation, a charity supposedly set up to help children with disabilities and special needs, gave right-wing think tanks £749,000 over five years.

This equates to 43 per cent of the grant money paid out by the charity in that period.

Despite claiming to fund organisations helping people with disabilities, the foundation handed £250,000 to the New Culture Forum, a think thank that has suggested abolishing the Equality Act that enshrines protections for the disabled. 

The New Culture Forum has described mass migration as an “an existential threat to Britain.”

The foundation also gave £55,000 to the Institute of Economic Affairs, which published a report suggesting that people could opt out of employment and support allowance and take out private disability insurance instead.

Money has also been handed out to other right-wing groups, such as Civitas, the Politics and Economics Research Trust and the climate change-denying Global Warming Policy Foundation.

The Good Law Project said the foundation gets most of its funding from aerospace company HR Smith Group and its subsidiary TechTest. Both are major donors to Reform UK and the Conservative Party. 

The firm’s chief executive is Richard Smith, who owns the building at 55 Tufton Street where many of the think tanks have their offices.

Think tanks based in Tufton Street have refused to declare their funding, but the Good Law Project found that anonymous foundations in the United States have poured over $14 million (£10.6m) into these groups since 2012.

A DeSmog and Democracy For Sale investigation found that Tory donors have handed almost £7m to Tufton Street since 2019.

Protesters from Stop Polluting Politics, in coalition with climate, Palestine and migrant justice groups, staged a protest outside the building this week.


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